Monday, February 28, 2011

Gay Cruise Spots Airports

Plum cake with broccoli and pecorino

A stroll in the garden, I just got this little bouquet of broccoli.
the sides of the plant, after having picked up the broccoli Central quello grande e il più importante , nascono questi piccolini . Si raccolgono come dei fiori , sono così teneri che non serve neppure il coltello . Non si trovano al super , occorre troppo tempo e pazienza per metterne insieme una cassetta , e poi , non sono tutti uguali e perfettini quindi non vanno bene . SIGH ! …..
Invece a me piacciono moltissimo e sono sicura anche a voi , quindi ecco un plum cake di broccoletti . Ho fatto con lo stesso impasto , anche 2 piccoli muffins .
Il tempo di cottura per i muffins e il miniplumcake è sceso a 20' .
I broccoletti del mio raccolto erano meno di 300 gr , il risultato finale è stato ugualmente soddisfacente , ma voi raccogliete il quantitativo della ricetta e il vostro plum cake sarà perfetto !

Plum cake con broccoli e pecorino
180 gr farina 00
300 gr di cimette di broccolo
100 gr pecorino semi stagionato
120 gr latte
3 uova
2 cipollotti
1 limone
1 bustina lievito per torte salate
80 gr olio evo
sale pepe

Tagliare a fettine sottili i cipollotti e stufarli in padella con 2 cucchiai di olio , unire le cimette di broccolo già lessate e lasciare insaporire .
Mescolare le uova , il latte , il pecorino , la scorza del limone grattugiata ed incorporare la farina e il lievito setacciato . Regolare di sale e pepe , ed unire i broccoletti .
Versare l'impasto in uno stampo da plum cake rivestito with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for 45 '.
recipe is from Alice's Kitchen in March 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why Is The Number 12 On Alabama's Helmets

Cannelloni prosciutto e ricotta .... con conseguente riciclo degli avanzi!!

are not gone, are just very busy at all times free to seek a place for summer holidays, so I can not put a lot of recipes! Since I have a moment of time, we will post this recipe cannelloni I've done about a year ago, cannelloni stuffed with an alternative, not the flesh, but a bit 'more ... light!

Ingredients (for 2 or 3 people)

8 cannelloni (I used dried ones)
For the sauce:
500 ml milk 25 g butter
1 teaspoon salt 50 g flour
For the filling: 250 gr
ricotta 125 gr mozzarella
about 150 grams of cooked ham 1 egg
bread crumbs to taste

Prepare the sauce by placing all ingredients in the bowl of Thermomix, 6 minutes, 90 ° speed 4. Prepare the filling by putting all its ingredients in the blender (except the bread crumbs), crush everything for a few seconds in 7 vel. The bread should be added last since you have to put the right amount to achieve the desired consistency (all I will put 5 or 6 tablespoons of bread). The compound dev'essere asciutto e compatto, tipo l’impasto per le polpette. Nel frattempo scottare i cannelloni per 4 minuti in acqua bollente salata con l'aggiunta di un po' d'olio, scolarli e metterli sotto l'acqua fredda, poi riempirli col ripieno. Mettere in teglia e coprire il tutto con la besciamella, e infornare a 190° per 15 min con modalità “soprasotto”, e poi per altri 15 min col ventilato per fare la crosticina.

Purtroppo manca la foto finale, perché come al solito ho dimenticato di fare il mio dovere di cronaca, ricordandomi solo quando ormai metà piatto di cannelloni era in pancia .. ;-)
Dato che però un pochino di ripieno was advanced, and in the kitchen do not ever throw anything away, I tried to make meatballs for the evening, and those of the photo (though still raw) I have it ... better than nothing right?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Is There A Vba Version Of Heart Gold

Ecco la mia ricetta per il Gioco-forum: Polpettine di uova, di Anna Lisa

Vi avevo detto che avrei partecipato al Gioco Forum di Zasusa ..... Vi posto oggi il risultato di questo giochino divertente, una catena di santantonio mangereccia! Anna Lisa , che era sopra di me nella lista, mi ha commissionato la ricetta, e io l'ho preparata ieri sera. Neanche fosse una mia amica di vecchia data, ha proprio azzeccato la richiesta: adoro le polpette, di qualsiasi forma o ingrediente! E questo vale anche per il resto della famiglia... come potrete notare dalla foto, non sono even managed to remove the absorbent paper, such was the desire to bite! Now I leave you the recipe, which is of extreme simplicity, and the result is guaranteed!

INGREDIENTS (serves 4):
4 eggs, 1 tablespoon of grated cheese, 1 pinch of salt 1 pinch of baking soda, 4 tablespoons (about) bread crumbs, oil seeds for frying.

In a bowl beat the eggs well with the cheese, baking powder and baking soda, add, little by little, the breadcrumbs, until a soft dough. In a pan heat a drop of oil with two teaspoons taken a small amount of mixture and pour in the hot oil giving it a spherical shape (as possible) Stir with a fork without burning them and put them on paper towels to drain.
Add a pinch of salt, and serve.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lung Cancer And Memory

Tartufi di panettone e cioccolato, by Tania

Carnival is just around the corner, but here we have the remnants of the Christmas festival is still in full swing .... How could I, therefore, resist the fabulous recipe on the blog of Tania ? They are small, are chocolate, allow me to make some more 'of cake, and you should not use the oven! No, not because it is already so caldo, è che con la storia della tariffa bi-oraria, se non voglio delle bollette stratosferiche, devo aspettare le 19 per accendere forno, lavatrice, lavastoviglie eccetera.... Quindi ormai, quando a casa sono le sette, si scatena la "mission impossible": accendo il forno, ma carico nel frattempo la lavatrice, così appena spengo il forno posso far partire quella, e meno male che nel frattempo si è rotta la lavastoviglie, altrimenti dovevo incastrare pure quella nella tabella di marcia!!! Comunque, i dolcetti sono fantastici!
INGREDIENTI (per circa 18 tartufi bianchi):
70 g di panettone; 90 g di cioccolato bianco fuso; 3 cucchiai di latte (o rum).

Mettete nel freezer un piatto su cui poi appoggerete i tartufi. Tagliate a fette non troppo sottili il panettone, ponetelo in una fondina, versateci sopra il latte, o il rum, e lasciatelo riposare per 10 minuti. Trascorso questo periodo, sbriciolatelo bene, unite il cioccolato e mescolate bene. Tenendo le mani sempre bagnate, formate delle palline e ponetele sul piatto che avrete estratto dal freezer. Trasferite i tartufi in frigorifero per almeno 1 ora, prima di servirli.
Per i tartufi neri, sostituire al cioccolato bianco quello fondente, e procedere nello stesso modo.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog Spot Milena Velba New

Qualche pensiero qua e là sul mondo canino

These days I am devoting a lot in search of our next vacation spot for the summer, and in fact I'm posting a few recipes: D. .. because this year there is also the scion hairy, it is normal that we bring him too! I have tried many places, by sending a request for quote to all the facilities that could interest in Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Abruzzo, in order to have a wide choice, and I started getting answers. Many places are far from the sea, they cost a lot of nonsense, many are already full (and thank goodness there's a crisis!), Many do not accept dogs, many will accept them only in low season. The Nobel Prize for intelligence, but who deserves it and he " Dear Madam, Please note that in our facilities dogs are not allowed, however we send you a quote if you would spend the holiday with us ...
Are you deficient? But I ask the availability bring your dog and you think I leave home to go to "leave you anyway? Just because your property is worth so much that I still coming here I leave the dog home and treat me the plants _._
It takes your brain to respond rather well ... tell me that dogs are not accepted ... the point! And even there, we spend half a word. We started with the idea of \u200b\u200b"Sea Dog". But then thinking about it ... the dog take him camping, ok, or hotel or what I find, ok ... and then? On the beach? Apart from that stifling August heat, poraccio, but then, in Italy, the dogs on the beach .. we can go? The beaches are engaged on their own a few, I looked left and right, but everywhere I read unflattering reviews on stretches of coastline for our furry. But why are we so? I mean, okay, not everyone has to love animals, for heaven's sake, we are all different and our preferences, but because I happened to spend the holiday at the beach with 4 idiots every 5 minutes you throw him the ball because they are disputing the transposition of the World Cup final, and no one told them anything? They do not bother? Or your neighbor's umbrella, which carries the stereo at home, I swear, the Lord knows where he pulled the plug, and with a million decibels will smash the ovaries throughout the day at the same rate tunztunztunz ... I should not feel annoyed? Or, worse yet, you're there you're going to eat a juicy slice of watermelon, the fruit kebabs, ice cream, you do what you want, your palate is ready to receive the Goduria that you have bought and ... AHGHHAH COFFF COFFF eccheè ? They put the incinerator instead of tabiotto lifeguard? But no, it's just your neighbor who's shooting at the smoke of his cigarette butt in the most likely (I say almost, someone brought up there) will be left in the sand (hopefully off) at the mercy of the children who Spaletti and use it as the chimney of the sand castle.
Now, I've always seen these behaviors, and I never made the signorasotuttoio, for the series, live and let live, if I just break the chestnuts directly tell you something else ... we are on holiday cabbage, relax, take it easy! But the dog no, bother, man's best friend, who does not smoke, do not listen to music Truzzi (I do not want those who listen, for goodness sake!), Does not pull ball, but it is there good under an umbrella (because it's hot ... and the hot dog with mica runs left and right! Neville Last summer he spent his days in the shade of the roses in the garden, sprawled belly up, so to speak) ... I do not we are normal, not really! When walking the dog, and some old lady crossing / or, Oh Mama! are pulled to one side as if I had the plague, but I only have a dog! A dog vaccinated, not a potential reservoir of virus and bacteriological weapons of mass destruction! Would love to ask " excuse me, she does the / a finicky / a ... but after that he peed if washing his hands? " No, because I happened, not once, to see people leave the public toilets without sink worth a look, well, thank you very much, I prefer to give me a lick from my dog \u200b\u200bthan to shake hands with one of these here! But that injury is with the dogs? That bite? Polluters? Messy? But what? If the dog is dirty, clean it is the duty of us masters, mica is blame the dog! If I'm a clean person (and I'm MANIAC cleaning) is also normal for me to clean my dog, and where my dirty dog. Because of some idiot who brings the dog to mess around and not clean, we all lose? This will tell you, is as grotesque thing: summer 2006 (I think), in the baths at an amusement park, a father takes the baby about 1 year in the pool, the showers do not pass, the child is without a costume (and already there, with all the depraved unexpected that there are around, let the child around naked vabbeh), what does the child? Beautiful soul, is the number 2 (and we happen to be!) In the water! In the pool! In the midst of all! Obviously, direte voi, il padre si scusa e chiama il bagnino … EEEEEEEEEEEH NO!!! Il padre acchiappa il pupo e se ne va come se nulla fosse! Alcuni bagnanti  richiamano il bagnino che insegue il padre e la PERLA FINALE di questo emerito pirla? " Ho pagato il biglietto, ho diritto di fare come mi pare !" O.o … dopo 'sta cosa, il parco doveva vietare l'ingresso ai bambini? No, semmai ai padri deficienti dico io!
Ora, tornando a noi, io capisco che molti cani sono grossi, possono intimorire con la stazza etc ... ma dobbiamo sempre calcolare che primo: l'abito non fa il monaco; secondo: non è il cane che è stupido, se fa cavolate, ma è il suo padrone che è able or not to raise it. So please, a U.S. invitation to all parents of dogs, we are polite, courteous and respectful, clean, neat, and no one can say anything! And an invitation to those who have the joy of having a hairy around the house: Try to understand who, like us, test satisfaction in returning home at night, perhaps angry black for many reasons, but in finding you a warm festive forget the daily problems, try to think of our joy, to feel important to someone, without judging how superficial people without ideals or ( well, that loves dogs, crying for dogs then there are people in the world who die of hunger ...) try to understand that our furry friends sometimes are better than us humans, do not look at our portfolio, how we dress and what car we drive, they love us as we are, simply. As I write, I lose myself thinking about what I enjoy in my ... Neville it's beautiful when you're there you read on the couch, and with one eye you see that he goes trotting with a game in his mouth, proudly, go and sit in a corner and start playing ... or when they return home and find him waiting in his basket, wagging, and does not move until I call myself, and then comes to drag me away (and thank goodness that is small !!!)... or in the morning to the sound of the alarm, rushed to our bedroom and it is to wake up ... breaks a bit 'when the bales, but looking back is something very tender! In short, our furry part of the family, let us take with us on vacation, we are still responsible for us? Vabbeh, I realize that I have written a papyrus in some ways inconclusive, but I've vented ... Oh, and for the record, at the end of all, if I can book I found a beautiful place (at least looking at the pictures) ... But in the mountains! And at least we do not leave room all alone while we have fun, we are a family right? So have fun everyone!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Garrison Stove Company

Short pears, Bavarian vanilla, molasses and figs Cilento

a pear

1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon brandy 1 teaspoon pear

salted butter 100 g milk 36 gr
yolks 36 g sugar

2 g gelatine 100 g

cream 1 / 2 vanilla berry
garnish 1 small pear 1 piece of ginger

100 g water 50 g sugar
2 teaspoons molasses Cilento figs
dose x 2 portions

Dice the pear. Melt the butter quickly Sautee the diced pear, by adding sugar and blended with brandy. Allow to cool.
Heat the milk and vanilla. Mix the egg yolks with sugar, add milk, put on the heat and bring to 84 °. Combine the gelatin and cool rehydrated quickly. Whip cream and fold in the cold cream.
Boil for a few minutes the water with sugar and sliced \u200b\u200bginger. Cook the pears for the O x 8 '. (The time depends on the size and ripeness of the fruit) Allow to drain and cool. Dial the short
: put on the bottom of the cubes of pear and gently add the cream. Allow to cool in the fridge. Garnish with 1 teaspoon of fig molasses. ... Okay, optional :-), and half pear syrup.
Thanks to Laura for sharing this trick and an evening of talk between men ... ..

What Does The 12 On Alabama Helmet Mean

Torta al caffè "finto" glassata ... perchè finto? Perchè usiamo l'orzo!

Today we celebrated the birthdays of my dad and my cousin, and we were all n for a family lunch. My mom took care of dinner, the cake and I asked, knowing that I enjoy messing around a bit '! Wanting to do something nice, I thought first of all to make a rectangular cake, easier to cut, when the guests are more than 4 or 5 people, and then the problem was in the filling, cream the same old words bored me to I opted for a delicate cream of coffee (which is actually ... barley!) and a coating of glaze. And ... I would say that the cake is enjoyed!

Serves approximately 10 people

2 dosi di PDS Velocissimo, la cui origine la trovate qui , ogni dose da preparare con:
  • 4 uova pesate senza guscio
  • Altrettanto peso di farina 00 con un cucchiaio circa di orzo solubile
  • Altrettanto zucchero togliendo 10 gr
  • 1 bustina di lievito per dolci
1 dose crema di caffè da preparare con:
  • 100 gr di acqua in cui abbiamo sciolto un cucchiaio abbondante di orzo solubile
  • 2 uova intere
  • 150 gr sugar
  • 60 grams of flour
  • 30 gr soft butter 500 ml milk
  • a pinch of salt
soluble barley mixed with milk to taste to wet the PDS
a dose of chocolate glaze prepared with:
  • 300 ml fresh cream
  • 300 g dark chocolate chopped
To decorate:
Milk Chocolate
cat biscuits languages \u200b\u200b

Prepare the first dose sponge in the bowl by placing eggs, flour, barley and sugar, mix 50 / 2 vel 6, at 25 seconds left put 1 / 2 measuring cup of water, and 10 seconds to insert a packet of yeast. Pour into a rectangular cake pan lined with parchment paper, prepare the second dose of PDS and also pour over the other mixture, bake in preheated oven at 160 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Set with the toothpick test. Once cold, cut in half and sprinkle with a little 'milk mixed with barley. Meanwhile, prepare the coffee cream, putting all its ingredients in the Thermomix and cook for 8 minutes at 80 ° vel.4. Transfer to a bowl and let cool. Once cool spread the cream on the PDS and close. As I advanced another cream, I also spread over the entire surface of the cake. Finally, prepare the frosting: heat the cream in the bowl, 4 minutes, 80 ° speed. 2. Add the chopped chocolate and let stand. Mix: 7 / 8 seconds vel. 3, until you get a smooth cream. Allow to cool, and when the icing is cold 4 minutes to assemble the veil. 5 and then pour over the cake, covering the edges well. Finally, decorate with the whole language of cats around the edges, then melt the chocolate milk and a piece of parchment paper of the writing we do we are going to ask, once solidified, the surface of the cake. Greetings!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Aged Care Job Agencies Adelaide

Polpettine ricotta e spinaci

Remember appetizers with tuna and ricotta? Nooooo? And it goes well from here ... they are : D Today you offer them a small vegetarian version, I mean, tuna are the end of the world, but my stomach pain in the neck is not always the digests, and maybe in the evening it is best to avoid it! So why not do it with the vegetables? Provided that you can put whatever you want, I'll show you how they came with spinach (I apologize, the photo sucks, I did it at night with artificial light, a roba proprio … )

250 gr ricotta
Qualche cubetto di spinaci surgelati
1 uovo
Sale qb
Pangrattato qb

In una ciotola amalgamare la ricotta con l’uovo sbattuto e un pizzico di sale, aggiungere gli spinaci (che avremo prima messo a bollire in acqua salata, poi strizzati e tritati grossolanamente) e mischiare bene il tutto, aggiungendo pangrattato qb fino a che il composto diventa morbido ma non troppo liquido; dopodiché versare il composto nei pirottini (io ho quelli in silicone) e cuocere in forno caldo a 180° per 15/20 minuti. A fine cottura sformare e servire!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Milena Velba Breast Milk

Hearts .......

A light and tasty dish, perfect for Valentine's dinner.
Oregano scented ricotta and chilli ... gives a hint of spicy. The olives and Parmesan cheese add flavor.
At this point, to accompany the hearts, it is necessary only a slightly sweet and sour sauce and of course .... red!
Happy Valentine to all ... ......

hearts, ricotta cheese and pepper sauce

2 hearts paste Gragnano

50 gr 150 gr ricotta cheese

50 g pitted black olives 1 pinch pepper 1 pinch of oregano

2 1 yellow pepper 1 red
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 pinches of sugar

vinegar salt

Cut the peppers into strips, saute in pan with 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and salt them keeping them crisp. Add the sugar, and sprinkle with vinegar. Transfer to a blender with the blender.
Roughly cut the olives and add it to ricotta e il parmigiano . Insaporire con l'origano e il peperoncino.
Cuocere la pasta al dente , raffreddarla e farcirla con la ricotta aiutandosi con un sac a poches .
Cospargere con 2 cucchiai di parmigiano e mettere in forno a 180° per 10' .
Impiattare con la salsa di peperoni a parte o messa a specchio sul piatto .
Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest : HART-to-HART-

(harman Kardon 146 Reviews)

Cuore piccante.....

Premesso che non mi piace la festa di San Valentino, perchè chi è innamorato davvero dovrebbe festeggiare tutto l'anno (ma poi. in pratica, non festeggia mai), ho deciso, quest'anno, di fare uno strappo alla regola! verrà Giulia a cena, quindi ho preparato questa fantastica torta al cioccolato dal cuore morbido, con il cioccolato al peperoncino! La ricetta ve la posto, ma la trovate anche sul libro di cucina più trendy del momento, " Dai blog alla tua tavola ". In quell'occasione l'avevo proposta tagliata a quadratini e servita nei pirottini di carta. oggi invece l'ho fatta a forma di cuore. A proposito di questo libro, che alla Parodi e alla Clerici "ci fa un baffo".... Cosa aspettate a comprarlo? Qui a lato find the link to order NOW!

100 g of dark chocolate, 150 g of chocolate with hot pepper, 250 g sugar 150 g butter 125 g 00 flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder for cakes, 3 eggs, 1 / 2 cup of milk.

Break the two types of chocolate in a bowl, meanwhile, put a saucepan of water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and place over the bowl with the chocolate, without being in contact with water, and let it slowly melt the chocolate.
Preheat oven to 170 ° C, mounted the egg yolks with sugar and add the butter, riding well until the mixture becomes light and fluffy.
Add the melted chocolate, flour, baking powder and sifted the milk whisk the whites and add mixture, mixing well. Grease and flour (if necessary) a heart-shaped mold, pour the mixture and bake for 30-35 minutes.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What's Good For The Thyroid

La cena del cow-boy!!

The other night, the spirit of Bud Spencer has taken possession of me: For those of Terence Hill was too much "in the flesh"! The result was that, a good plate of sausage stewed with beans! I then served with the accompaniment of cus-cus, so that cowboy was not ma vi dirò che aveva il suo perchè!!

  INGREDIENTI (per 4 persone):
400 g di luganiga; 1 scatola di fagioli borlotti; 1 barattolo di polpa di pomodoro a pezzetti; 1 manciata di misto per soffritto: sale; olio; 1 spruzzatina di salsa worchester.

Scaldiamo in una pentola di terracotta un poco di olio, aggiungiamo il misto per soffritto e facciamo soffriggere appena appena. Aggiungiamo la salsiccia tagliata a pezzettoni, e facciamo rosolare bene. Versiamo la polpa di pomodoro, aggiustiamo di sale e insaporiamo con la salsa worchester. Dopo una ventina di minuti, incorporiamo even the beans, let cook for few minutes and serve.

Breast Tenderness On Milena

Cuore al cacao piccante e ghirigori

Last night we had guests, and we were three couples, this being the weekend before Valentine's Day, I thought it was nice to find guests a cake that would evoke such a feast. husband and I generally do not celebrate, but since you just had the opportunity to share the evening with other couples in love, I thought that no one died mica, if for once I let go the tradition is not it? So I pulled out of the mold silicone heart-shaped given to me by my mom and I started thinking about what to do. I really wanted to do something with chocolate, to participate in the Contest Flour of my bag and I took the opportunity to venture a solution that I had never experienced in the kitchen, personally: cocoa and chili pepper ... tasty Valentine's day is not it? ;-) I've searched the web a bit 'of recipes, but all included the use of chili peppers "real", but I keep in the pantry just to ground, and then I arranged a little'! I took as a base recipe for a classic chocolate cake, a colleague of passatami Husband Thermomix-tailed, and then I made the necessary modifications, and I must say that the result was more than satisfactory in the mouth, the first taste you hear is the cocoa but after swallowing a mouthful ... spicy aftertaste remains a vague, very nice! I can tell you satisfied with the experiment!


130 grams of flour 100 grams soft butter 130 g sugar
60/70 gr unsweetened cocoa
powder 2 eggs
Chilli powder
orange juice ½ tablespoon baking
a pinch of salt A dash of milk
Chocolate Icing sugar to melt per le decorazioni
Iniziamo montando gli albumi a neve ben ferma, e mettiamo da parte. Nel boccale inseriamo burro, zucchero e tuorli e amalgamiamo per 2 minuti a vel. 3. Nel frattempo prendiamo il cacao, circa 60 gr, e cominciamo ad aggiungere a occhio del peperoncino in polvere, circa un cucchiaino, e mischiamo. Assaggiando il composto, deve sentirsi il cacao, con un retrogusto piccante.  Quando siamo soddisfatti dell’unione delle due polveri, aggiungiamo nel boccale il cacao piccante, farina, succo d’arancia, sale e lievito, e un goccio di latte da ultimo, se il composto risulta troppo denso. Impastiamo 20 secondi a vel. 3, poi versiamo il composto in una ciotola e uniamo gli albumi montati, mischiando delicatamente dal basso verso l’alto per non smontarli. Versiamo il composto (che risulterà non liquidissimo, ma piuttosto denso, la consistenza è quella della nutella morbida per intenderci) nella tortiera, livelliamo e inforniamo per 40 minuti a 180°. Una volta cotto il dolce, lasciamo raffreddare e poi spolveriamo con zucchero a velo. Io ho voluto fare l’esosa, perciò ho fuso a bagnomaria un po’ di cioccolato che avevo in dispensa e ho decorato torta e piatto. E cavoli, un peccato, se si fa, si fa bene, no?

E con questa ricetta cioccolosa, partecipo al Contest di Farina del mio sacco dedicato al cioccolato:

Oovoo Mac Recognize Camera

Grazie per aver pensato a me!

here telling you I have received a gift web by Alda and Mariella, today I received another from Cinammon Dreaming in the Kitchen, and I am very happy because it means that there are a few 'people who are interested in my humble blogghino!

The rules are the same, thank those who gave us the gift, tell 7 things about themselves and give the award to 10 other blogs. Since I already have the chain fatta con l'altro post, e sempre lì vi ho raccontato qualcosina su di me, in questo post dedico lo spazio a ringraziare Cinammon, che mi ha fatto il dono, e vi invito a passare da lei e visitare il suo blog, molto ben fatto e ricco di ricette interessanti, adatte anche a chi deve convivere con la celiachia.

Ci conto allora, andate a dare un'occhiata!

Ciao ciao!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Homemade Snacks Sleepovers

Shin loves pasta casserole ;-)

Anche a me piace la cocotte , sopratutto mi piace cucinare in queste pentole dove gli ingredienti a poco a poco si fondono tra di loro, per arrivare dopo ore di cottura ad un sapore unico . Il bello è , che a parte la qualità dei prodotti , l'elemento principale qui è il tempo . Nell'era dei “quattro salti “, delle “giragiravolta”, delle fettine sottili sottili , che cuociono in un minuto e delle insalate nelle buste di plastica o forse delle insalate di plastica :-) , cucinare un brasato , uno spezzatino , uno stinco , in cocotte , diciamolo ….....è una bella soddisfazione ! Si , perchè una volta che gli ingredienti sono sistemati in pentola , cuociono sa soli , e aprendo il coperchio 2 ore dopo , sicuramente non ci mancheranno le insalate “inossidabili “ e neppure i 4 salti .
Magari 4 salti saranno da fare in palestra , per bruciare qualche caloria :-)
Scherzo ! per questo piatto , ho usato solo 4 cucchiai di olio …........e la stagione fredda ci autorizza a gustare un buon piatto cucinato nella cocotte .
Ho comperato uno stinco , senza avere in mente una ricetta precisa , è stata una ricetta in divenire , nel senso che non sapevo esattamente cosa sarebbe venuto fuori , l'unico ingrediente sicuro , era il tempo :-) sapevo che doveva cuocere a lungo . Però , state tranquilli , lo stinco in cocotte ricetta in divenire , ha superato la prova assaggio , è rimasto solo l'osso !

Stinco in cocotte

1 pork shank
3 apples

3 shallots 2 leeks 2

1 piece of cinnamon 2 cloves 2

grains pepper 2 tablespoons mustard 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil salt

Braise in three tablespoons of olive oil, leeks cut fine. Remove from pan and add a tablespoon of olive oil and shallots cut into 4 pieces. Spread the mustard on the shin and brown well on all sides. Deglaze with the vinegar, allow to boil, add the braised leeks and half the diced apples. Stir for a few minutes and add hot water to cover the shin.
Add a little salt. Cook over low heat for 2 hours until to consume all the liquid.
to taste with salt. For cones

Peel the Jerusalem artichokes and apples remaining. Dice apples and sliced \u200b\u200bJerusalem artichokes.
Cut two squares of paper fairy 20cm side location in the center of apples and artichokes, salt lightly, add 1 clove, 1 small piece of cinnamon, peppercorns and 1 close to the leg cover. Bake at 180 ° x 10 '.
Cut the shin, and Serve with the cooking and the warmest months of apples and artichokes. With this recipe
givaway participate in the Brussels sprouts