I've said that I love baked pasta & Co.? SIII? Yeah I know, but I'm talkative and repetitive till you drop ;-) heh heh ... as the Butter and Honey Contest allows participation with three recipes, one I've already made, and why not put another fresh freshly made? This is a review of the "golden threads" au gratin "Thermomix treated in the book" Your First "(and you think he could miss this book?) ... because revisited? Because the original recipe calls for the use of cream, but we are on a diet, and then I proceeded to replace it with milk. This will also include ham, but I have remained unpunished so ... I did not! And of course, I used the noodles bought, to put it to make pasta from scratch ... well, the desire was zero! So here's what I've done:
Ingredients for 2 people
about 160 grams of noodles
fat mozzarella 1 125 gr
1 egg
A pinch of chopped basil (not too much if a husband does not like it ... grrrrrr !!!!)
about 30 grams of grated parmesan
about 15 grams of bread crumbs
50 ml of milk
15 g butter Salt
Boil noodles in salted water and in the meantime prepare the "stuffing." Whisk the egg with about ¾ of Parmesan cheese, milk and a pinch of salt. Whisk the cheese coarsely and add it also to the compound earlier, mixing well. When the noodles are cooked, drain and toss with the mixture and blended with basil, mix well. Butter an ovenproof dish and breaded with a little 'bread crumbs, add the noodles and sprinkle the surface dressed with a mixture with Parmesan cheese and remaining bread crumbs. Add some butter and bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes, until the gratin of surface circulation. Once ready, let them rest a few minutes (they burn otherwise!) And serve.
As a main course, here it is ready for Contest Butter and Honey
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