Ormai il trip dei bicchierini non mi lascia più! Li trovo davvero divertenti da fare, belli da proporre, e mooolto trendy! Questa ricetta, poi, è uno spettacolo! e non è nemmeno troppo difficile da fare, a parte che ho fatto un po' di casino con le cialdine di cioccolato bianco!!! Ma bando alle ciance, vi do subito la ricetta, che ho sgraffignato dal bellissimo blog di Fairyskull!
INGREDIENTI (per 4 bicchierini):
per la panna cotta: 150 g di panna fresca da montare; 100 g di latte; 45 g di zucchero; 4 g di gelatina in fogli.
Soak the gelatin in a bowl of cold water in a saucepan combine cream, milk and sugar, put on heat and stir until sugar is dissolved. Wring out the gelatin mixture and stir well to incorporate it up to dissolve it. Pour into glasses, let it cool and put it in the fridge until it is firm.
for disks of white chocolate:
Melt in the microwave (or water bath) 20 g white chocolate, then pour it on parchment paper, forming, with a spoon, thin disks, the diameter of the glasses. Cool down in the refrigerator.
for the chocolate mousse: 35 g dark chocolate, 35 grams of milk chocolate, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 egg.
water bath melt the two chocolates and the butter and once melted it all, add the egg yolk and mix well. Beat the egg whites until stiff and incorporate the mousse, stirring gently from bottom to top.
Pull out the glasses from the fridge, put each on a floppy white chocolate, then finish with the chocolate mousse. Put in refrigerator and wait at least 24 hours for consumption. Get them out of the fridge 20 minutes before offering.
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