Braised head
Yes, we say that is not really a dish. ... I want to be a model, but with the cold he does, even just to go out to the shops, some energy to burn. That said, if there is sufficient as an excuse to prepare a dish like this, I can tell you that cooking, you will make happy friends you invited.
certainly can not be said that aesthetically it is a great beauty, but the smell and taste are guaranteed. When it's cold, I like to cook this type of cuisine. They do a sughino calling loudly, a polenta, of SPACE, the noodles or dumplings. In this case: dumplings! Solitamente utilizzo solo la guancia , ma reduce da un pranzetto a Barolo , dove nel menù ho trovato “testina brasata al vino rosso “ , non ho potuto fare a meno di ordinarla e di conseguenza provare a rifarla . Sinceramente è una ricetta che non avevo mai ...incontrato . Naturalmente deve piacere la consistenza gelatinosa della testina e servirne solo un pezzetto insieme alla guancia . Un'autocritica : forse sarebbe stato meglio accompagnarla con dei taglierini impastati con tanti tuorli e quindi belli croccanti , per creare una sorta di contrasto con la morbidezza della testina .
Quindi , dal momento che ve l'ho detto , non ripetete il mio errore , servendola con gnocchi morbidosi :-)
Brasato di testina
1 kg calf's head (with cheek)
1 large onion 2 stalks celery
1 clove garlic 2 sprigs thyme
1 bay leaf 1 sprig rosemary
1 / 2 dl oil
1 / 2 bottle of Chianti
salt Cut the pepper
brunoise vegetables and fry gently in oil. Combine the head rolled and tied. Cook on both sides for several minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the wine, let the alcohol evaporate, and cook on low for 2 h kelp. The first hour in a covered pot, then remove lid and continue cooking until the juices restrict.
The time also depends on the extent of the pan and flame. Go to the bottom with the blender or food mill. Serve with .... .. ... Noodles
say that the pictures .... I'm not a great beauty!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
What Is The 12 On Alabama Helmet
Pasta with ricotta cheese cake
not believe it, but for once the public a light recipe! The construction dates back a few days ago, but I could not post it before, primarily because I was three days without Internet connection (AAARGHHH!!) then because I had to recover from questions of history .... Let me explain: I finally finished the rounds of questions from history, but the last group was really the best! Question: "Who was Justinian?" Answer: "He was an emperor who has trained a nation '... Q: "I'm sorry, but how do you form a nation?" A: "Well, kind words, you go there (?!!) and see who can fight ..." Q: "Okay, who can tell me something about Lombard?" A: "I, me, me! I wore Lombard, yes, er, ah, lo, the tutu!" I swear, I'm not kidding! Understand that I had to recover a bit '! Anyway, back to my recipe is a simple dish, and very tasty!
INGREDIENTS (serves 4):
350 g pasta, 1 onion, 2 small zucchini, 3 small carrots, 250 g of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons oil, salt, pepper, nutmeg.
Finely chop a shallot and wash the carrots and peel them; check and wash the zucchini. Cut zucchini and carrots and cut into julienne strips (I used the food processor). In a large frying pan, soften the shallots in oil, add vegetables and cook about ten minutes, so that softens fine. Season with salt and pepper, turn off the heat and add ricotta, mix well and sprinkle with some grated nutmeg. Meanwhile, cook pasta, drain and throw it just barely into the pan of vegetables, mixing well: the dish is ready to be served.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Connecticut Driver License Template
Cereal bread
Ok, now it took me so.
It 's the time of baking. I just got from Medagliani for a lesson on bread.
Now, it's not that good at the bakery, in fact, more "study" the more I realize how challenging, getting the perfect bread. The flour, the temperature, the magic of yeast, how to mix, treat and fold the dough, meet deadlines, cooking, are all "ingredients" needed to move to say I made the bread.
In my case, the ingredient "luck" (let's call it that) has played an important role!
This whole grain breads, I was intrigued by the variety of meal and the quantity of seeds used in the recipe. Since the Salone del Gusto I tasted and bought a beautiful black German bread, I was obsessed with this type of bread.
It 's a type not very close to our tastes, but a few slices in a basket of mixed breads, there is really good and with a little honey or jam for breakfast, it's perfect.
Cereal bread
x biga
00 1250 gr flour 13 gr fresh yeast 600 g water
the dough 250 g flour 75 g
rye flour
75 gr flour 75 gr flour kamut
75 g corn flour (foil)
75 gr farina integrale
250 gr fiocchi d'avena e semi vari
25 gr lievito di birra
20 gr sale
400 gr acqua
Impastare tutti gli ingredienti della biga e lasciare riposare per 18 h .
Sciogliere il lievito nell'acqua ed impastare con le farine e la biga . Unire il sale e i semi .
Impastare nuovamente e lasciare lievitare per 50' .Spezzare l'impasto e formare dei filoni o pagnottelle . Cospargere con semi di sesamo e lasciare lievitare per altri 60' .
Cuocere a 200° per circa 25' . Il tempo effettivo , dipende dalla pezzatura .
La ricetta è tratta dal libro “Pane e grissini “ De vecchi Edizioni
Nota : La quantità di biga della ricetta mi sembrava tanta , so I reduced to 400 grams.
I can not say how it would come with the recommended dose, but what I've done myself, honestly I liked it. If you like a bit of bread '. ... Brick, it will be perfect for you.
Ok, now it took me so.
It 's the time of baking. I just got from Medagliani for a lesson on bread.
Now, it's not that good at the bakery, in fact, more "study" the more I realize how challenging, getting the perfect bread. The flour, the temperature, the magic of yeast, how to mix, treat and fold the dough, meet deadlines, cooking, are all "ingredients" needed to move to say I made the bread.
In my case, the ingredient "luck" (let's call it that) has played an important role!
This whole grain breads, I was intrigued by the variety of meal and the quantity of seeds used in the recipe. Since the Salone del Gusto I tasted and bought a beautiful black German bread, I was obsessed with this type of bread.
It 's a type not very close to our tastes, but a few slices in a basket of mixed breads, there is really good and with a little honey or jam for breakfast, it's perfect.
Cereal bread
x biga
00 1250 gr flour 13 gr fresh yeast 600 g water
the dough 250 g flour 75 g
rye flour
75 gr flour 75 gr flour kamut
75 g corn flour (foil)
75 gr farina integrale
250 gr fiocchi d'avena e semi vari
25 gr lievito di birra
20 gr sale
400 gr acqua
Impastare tutti gli ingredienti della biga e lasciare riposare per 18 h .
Sciogliere il lievito nell'acqua ed impastare con le farine e la biga . Unire il sale e i semi .
Impastare nuovamente e lasciare lievitare per 50' .Spezzare l'impasto e formare dei filoni o pagnottelle . Cospargere con semi di sesamo e lasciare lievitare per altri 60' .
Cuocere a 200° per circa 25' . Il tempo effettivo , dipende dalla pezzatura .
La ricetta è tratta dal libro “Pane e grissini “ De vecchi Edizioni
Nota : La quantità di biga della ricetta mi sembrava tanta , so I reduced to 400 grams.
I can not say how it would come with the recommended dose, but what I've done myself, honestly I liked it. If you like a bit of bread '. ... Brick, it will be perfect for you.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Why Is #12 Helmet Significant Alabama Football
This cheese cake recipe I've tried a few times already, but yesterday I wanted to be daring, and I made it into the glasses: it's a bit 'hard work, mostly because, being thick, there are the cooling times of the individual layers to be respected! But it was a hit!
INGREDIENTS ( 9 bowls filled with beautiful!)
100 g shortbread (tarallucci), 40 g honey, 50 g of butter, 3 eggs 150 g sugar, 250 g of ricotta, 3 dl of fresh cream, 15 g gelatin sheets, 1 heaping tablespoon of instant coffee, 80 g of hazelnut chocolate.
Crumble the biscuits finely, mix with melted butter and honey and spread over the bottom of the glasses, crush well with hands. Put the glasses in the refrigerator.
In a bowl mount vigorously with a whisk the egg yolks with sugar. Place the gelatin in a bowl with cold water because they soften, squeeze them well and melt them in a pan on fire bassissimo: appena la gelatina si è sciolta, unirla al composto di uova e mescolare bene.
Unire la ricotta, poi gli albumi montati a neve soda e infine la panna montata. Suddividere la crema in tre ciotole, e distribuire il contenuto della prima ciotola nei bicchieri. Riporre in frigo per mezz'ora. Far fondere il cioccolato a bagnomaria e unirlo alla seconda ciotola di crema; diluire il caffè istantaneo e unirlo alla terza.
Stendere la crema al cioccolato sopra quella al naturale, e lasciar rapprendere in frigorifero per 10 minuti, poi completare con l'ultimo strato.
Lasciare in frigorifero i bicchieri per almeno 6 ore prima di servire in tavola.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Alabama Number 12 Helmet
Today I open a can ....
I know, is not foodblogger advice to "open boxes "to prepare a lunch. But
saw the result, and the satisfaction it gave me a box di Vacherin , ve ne parlo volentieri , anche a costo di giocarmi la reputazione di foodblogger .
Il Vacherin , è un formaggio svizzero a pasta molle , di colore giallo avorio , dal sapore dolce e delicato influenzato anche dalla fascia di legno di abete che lo avvolge .
La “ricetta” si può tranquillamente classificare ….facile :-)
Si apre la scatola , si pratica un foro , si versa del vino bianco secco , e si mette in forno per 20' . In genere si avvolge la scatola in carta stagnola , io non l'ho fatto , ed ha “funzionato” ugualmente .
Si può aggiungere anche uno spicchio d'aglio , e del pepe nero .
Viene servito , con patate lesse e salumi . Io l'ho accompagnato with potatoes, ham, bread sticks, rye bread and cut into sticks and toasted in the oven for a few minutes. A glass of Gewürztraminer, the same used for the Vacherin, has completed the work, but if a few friends .... "God" has any suggestions / better match ... .....
I said easy, so the ham and breadsticks, buy them as well, boiled potatoes ... okay! But if you really want to cook, and make it a bit 'more complicated, I recommend you try this rye bread. A sticks, slices, with cheese, and smoked salmon with salted butter, jam, or whatever, it's always delicious.
Rye Bread e semi di girasole
700 gr farina0
200 gr farina di segale
100 gr farina integrale
650 gr acqua
20 gr malto
50 gr lievito di birra
400 gr semi di girasole
50 gr olio
20 gr sale
50 gr fiocchi d'avena
Sciogliere il lievito e il malto nell'acqua tiepida . Mettere tutte le farine in planetaria ed impastare con il composto di acqua e lievito , aggiungendo in ultimo il sale e l'olio . Impastare a mano , ancora qualche minuto , aggiungendo i semi di girasole . Lasciare lievitare per 1h . Impastare nuovamente , formare le pagnottelle o mettere negli stampi , cospargere con fiocchi d'avena e fare lievitare ancora per 1h . Infornare a 200°per 30' .
I know, is not foodblogger advice to "open boxes "to prepare a lunch. But
saw the result, and the satisfaction it gave me a box di Vacherin , ve ne parlo volentieri , anche a costo di giocarmi la reputazione di foodblogger .
Il Vacherin , è un formaggio svizzero a pasta molle , di colore giallo avorio , dal sapore dolce e delicato influenzato anche dalla fascia di legno di abete che lo avvolge .
La “ricetta” si può tranquillamente classificare ….facile :-)
Si apre la scatola , si pratica un foro , si versa del vino bianco secco , e si mette in forno per 20' . In genere si avvolge la scatola in carta stagnola , io non l'ho fatto , ed ha “funzionato” ugualmente .
Si può aggiungere anche uno spicchio d'aglio , e del pepe nero .
Viene servito , con patate lesse e salumi . Io l'ho accompagnato with potatoes, ham, bread sticks, rye bread and cut into sticks and toasted in the oven for a few minutes. A glass of Gewürztraminer, the same used for the Vacherin, has completed the work, but if a few friends .... "God" has any suggestions / better match ... .....
I said easy, so the ham and breadsticks, buy them as well, boiled potatoes ... okay! But if you really want to cook, and make it a bit 'more complicated, I recommend you try this rye bread. A sticks, slices, with cheese, and smoked salmon with salted butter, jam, or whatever, it's always delicious.
Rye Bread e semi di girasole
700 gr farina0
200 gr farina di segale
100 gr farina integrale
650 gr acqua
20 gr malto
50 gr lievito di birra
400 gr semi di girasole
50 gr olio
20 gr sale
50 gr fiocchi d'avena
Sciogliere il lievito e il malto nell'acqua tiepida . Mettere tutte le farine in planetaria ed impastare con il composto di acqua e lievito , aggiungendo in ultimo il sale e l'olio . Impastare a mano , ancora qualche minuto , aggiungendo i semi di girasole . Lasciare lievitare per 1h . Impastare nuovamente , formare le pagnottelle o mettere negli stampi , cospargere con fiocchi d'avena e fare lievitare ancora per 1h . Infornare a 200°per 30' .
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Home Enema Without Equipment
noodles with melted cheese and truffle
I say now, the photo of the finished dish with the noodles are well positioned and maybe with a little seal ... .. no!
Why, after Serve to all your friends, that means even though they were already stunned by the perfume, called for their dishes, I .... I dived in, and therefore ... .. completely forgot to be a foodblogger!
Returning semi-serious, with this type of pasta with lots of egg noodles are obtained with a substance and "crunchiness" special, which maintain fine cooking.
grate the truffles because I preferred the ones I had available were small and ugly, but very fragrant. If you are lucky and have a nice Truffle, slice it thin over each portion.
Two versions, a very rustic and the other elegant and precious. A very "touch" and the other very much .... Heeled
:-) But I guarantee you this, even if ugly was delicious!
noodles with melted cheese and truffle
Ingredients for 8 people
400 gr flour 100 gr 0
durum wheat
10 egg yolks
1 tablespoon olive oil For the fondue
fontina cheese 400 gr 250 gr milk
4 yolks 25 g butter
Mix all ingredients until dough is firm and compact. Let stand 30 '. Pull the dough not too thin and cut the noodles.
Dice the fontina cheese, cover with milk and leave to infuse for 2 hours.
Melt butter, add the cheese and milk and melt over a low heat, stirring well.
Remove from heat, add the yolks, stirring constantly. Add the grated truffle. Cook the noodles in water boiling salted water and serve with the fondue.
I say now, the photo of the finished dish with the noodles are well positioned and maybe with a little seal ... .. no!
Why, after Serve to all your friends, that means even though they were already stunned by the perfume, called for their dishes, I .... I dived in, and therefore ... .. completely forgot to be a foodblogger!
Returning semi-serious, with this type of pasta with lots of egg noodles are obtained with a substance and "crunchiness" special, which maintain fine cooking.
grate the truffles because I preferred the ones I had available were small and ugly, but very fragrant. If you are lucky and have a nice Truffle, slice it thin over each portion.
Two versions, a very rustic and the other elegant and precious. A very "touch" and the other very much .... Heeled
:-) But I guarantee you this, even if ugly was delicious!
noodles with melted cheese and truffle
Ingredients for 8 people
400 gr flour 100 gr 0
durum wheat
10 egg yolks
1 tablespoon olive oil For the fondue
fontina cheese 400 gr 250 gr milk
4 yolks 25 g butter
Mix all ingredients until dough is firm and compact. Let stand 30 '. Pull the dough not too thin and cut the noodles.
Dice the fontina cheese, cover with milk and leave to infuse for 2 hours.
Melt butter, add the cheese and milk and melt over a low heat, stirring well.
Remove from heat, add the yolks, stirring constantly. Add the grated truffle. Cook the noodles in water boiling salted water and serve with the fondue.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Sailboat And Scuba Camp
Put fennel for dinner .....
participant this initiative to highlight my disgust at this prejudice that offends everyone, without distinction, as people. I dedicate it to Michael and his companion, my close friend, sincere, fair, sensitive, honest. To John and Gabriel, new friends, known only this summer, but a string of spontaneous, shy, happy, sad, true, bound me to them. Any form of discrimination offends me, as a woman and as a human being.
Recall that is the same as the European Union's Charter of Fundamental Rights to condemn, Article 21, "any discrimination based on sex, race, skin color, ethnic origin or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political opinion or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation. "
Unfortunately, this post is just a small drop, but I hope that together with others, serve to remind everyone that it is better that people be idiots.
orange fennel salad and cod
2 oranges 1 fennel
150 gr cod
extra virgin olive oil salt, pepper
Slice the fennel very thin, peel and cut oranges in vivo, collecting the juice. Cut into thin slices
also desalted cod. Combine orange juice, a few drops of vinegar, oil, salt and a pinch of white pepper and mix, creating an emulsion. Place the cod on your plate, the orange segments and fennel. Season with the emulsion.
participant this initiative to highlight my disgust at this prejudice that offends everyone, without distinction, as people. I dedicate it to Michael and his companion, my close friend, sincere, fair, sensitive, honest. To John and Gabriel, new friends, known only this summer, but a string of spontaneous, shy, happy, sad, true, bound me to them. Any form of discrimination offends me, as a woman and as a human being.
Recall that is the same as the European Union's Charter of Fundamental Rights to condemn, Article 21, "any discrimination based on sex, race, skin color, ethnic origin or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political opinion or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation. "
Unfortunately, this post is just a small drop, but I hope that together with others, serve to remind everyone that it is better that people be idiots.
orange fennel salad and cod
2 oranges 1 fennel
150 gr cod
extra virgin olive oil salt, pepper
Slice the fennel very thin, peel and cut oranges in vivo, collecting the juice. Cut into thin slices
also desalted cod. Combine orange juice, a few drops of vinegar, oil, salt and a pinch of white pepper and mix, creating an emulsion. Place the cod on your plate, the orange segments and fennel. Season with the emulsion.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Scale Factor Scale Models
tart pineapple and raspberries gluten free
dinner with birthday cake gluten free, do?
Open the book Montersino "Gourmets of health" and choose from the little genius of that!
.... Will be offended if you call that?
As he says, is not sufficient to replace the wheat flour with other flours, but it is a problem of balancing the various ingredients.
So at this point, since the "problem" has solved it, I simply chose between all the pies, pineapple and raspberry tart with pastry made with rice flour and cornmeal.
For the cream is used potato starch. The bits of pineapple us are just fine, raspberries bring a touch of color and freshness. The pastry is special. Good. But not fate come me , ma aspettate che la crema si raffreddi bene e che si stabilizzi . Io ho avuto troppa fretta e quando l'ho tagliata , la crema era ancora troppo morbida . Devo dire che nessuno si è lamentato , ma voi non ditelo a Montersino !
Crostata ananas e lamponi
Per la crema da forno
200 gr latte intero fresco
100 gr panna
150 gr zucchero semolato
90 gr tuorli
20 gr fecola di patate
buccia di limone
1 / 2 bacca di vaniglia
Per la finitura
400 gr pasta frolla senza glutine
100 gr ananas sciroppato
100 gr lamponi
50 gr gelatina neutra
zucchero a velo
pasta frolla di riso e mais senza glutine
250 gr farina di riso
175 gr farina di mais giallo tipo fumetto
225 gr burro
190 gr zucchero a velo
4 gr (baking) lievito chimico
140 gr tuorlo
Foderare con la frolla una tortiera di media altezza , bucherellare il fondo e distribuire le fette di ananas sciroppato . In una pentola di rame stagnata in acciaio , fare bollire il latte con la panna e il baccello di vaniglia tagliato longitudinalmente . A parte montare i tuorli con lo zucchero , la fecola , e la buccia di limone . Quando il latte bolle , unire il composto montato , lavorare subito energicamente con la frusta e portare a cottura fino ad ottenere una crema spessa . Stendere la crema calda nello stampo foderato , allargarla , lasciando the surface at irregular heights (to allow a non-uniform coloring in cooking). Bake at 220 degrees for 20 '. Cool the tart and garnish with raspberries, sprinkled with sugar. Jelly cream before serving.
dinner with birthday cake gluten free, do?
Open the book Montersino "Gourmets of health" and choose from the little genius of that!
.... Will be offended if you call that?
As he says, is not sufficient to replace the wheat flour with other flours, but it is a problem of balancing the various ingredients.
So at this point, since the "problem" has solved it, I simply chose between all the pies, pineapple and raspberry tart with pastry made with rice flour and cornmeal.
For the cream is used potato starch. The bits of pineapple us are just fine, raspberries bring a touch of color and freshness. The pastry is special. Good. But not fate come me , ma aspettate che la crema si raffreddi bene e che si stabilizzi . Io ho avuto troppa fretta e quando l'ho tagliata , la crema era ancora troppo morbida . Devo dire che nessuno si è lamentato , ma voi non ditelo a Montersino !
Crostata ananas e lamponi
Per la crema da forno
200 gr latte intero fresco
100 gr panna
150 gr zucchero semolato
90 gr tuorli
20 gr fecola di patate
buccia di limone
1 / 2 bacca di vaniglia
Per la finitura
400 gr pasta frolla senza glutine
100 gr ananas sciroppato
100 gr lamponi
50 gr gelatina neutra
zucchero a velo
pasta frolla di riso e mais senza glutine
250 gr farina di riso
175 gr farina di mais giallo tipo fumetto
225 gr burro
190 gr zucchero a velo
4 gr (baking) lievito chimico
140 gr tuorlo
Foderare con la frolla una tortiera di media altezza , bucherellare il fondo e distribuire le fette di ananas sciroppato . In una pentola di rame stagnata in acciaio , fare bollire il latte con la panna e il baccello di vaniglia tagliato longitudinalmente . A parte montare i tuorli con lo zucchero , la fecola , e la buccia di limone . Quando il latte bolle , unire il composto montato , lavorare subito energicamente con la frusta e portare a cottura fino ad ottenere una crema spessa . Stendere la crema calda nello stampo foderato , allargarla , lasciando the surface at irregular heights (to allow a non-uniform coloring in cooking). Bake at 220 degrees for 20 '. Cool the tart and garnish with raspberries, sprinkled with sugar. Jelly cream before serving.
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