Tuesday, July 27, 2010

12 Alabama Helmet Why


Hello dear!
Forgive hiding!
do not cook. The most elaborate at the moment is that I produce bread with tomatoes or some salad!
But when I saw this idea I thought I would turn to food blogger friends that if they can exploit it for a small party for their children for a fun and tasty snack, but also nutritious. They serve really

few things to prepare these delicious bananas Walking:


black-tails of chocolate and sugar (optional obvious, but make it more colorful and appetizing!) parchment-

-sticks wood (or those of the tongue or ice cream!)

. cut in half 'bananas and skewered in sticks for their full length and put it in the freezer until you prepare the other ingredients

. melt the chocolate with a knob of butter

. we go bananas in chocolate tails and chocolate

. let cool in the fridge and pull out only when drunk

children are really only esamotage to try! ;)
I'd really like to bite into a snack ... Fresh calories ... but less than one layer of chocolate ice cream because it is thin.

via: craftzine.com

Kisses to all friends of fork!
the next idea!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Polyp Gallbladder And Exercising

Passion Cappuccino

viscerally I love cappuccino!
Chi mi conosce ed esce con me sa che io anche in orari da aperitivo posso prendere un cappuccino.
Io non ci rinuncio la mattina alla mia bella tazza ! Non rinuncio a farmi i baffi con la schiuma e mangiarmi la schiuma col cucchiaino! Non sarebbe "colazione"senza di lui!

Girando su internet ecco cosa ho trovato: un sito che vende stencil per cappuccini!
Li personalizza anche ,tant'è che una sposa americana ne ha fatto fare uno per il suo matrimonio con il suo nome e quello del marito.

are cute for every day, to warn her husband to become a dad ... to say I love you in a different way! To offer his hand to his soul mate.
are romantic?
But I have just returned from our honeymoon ... it would be strange if it was the opposite!

If you like you can buy them here or here.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Why The Number 12 On Alabama Football Helmet

A slice of my heart

When I saw this tutorial on a blog stranger I could not resist!
I thought of the blogger friends always looking for ideas to surprise guests, boyfriends or husbands, and I decided to share this little secret.

an alternative?
A biscuit balanced on a cup of milk or tea ... for a sweet breakfast in bed.
The process to achieve it can be found here .

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Steps To Obtaining A Liquor License In Ontario


summer has arrived in all its rush!
But the other day and I 'failed to find a special friend who has passed his examination for middle school and so I prepared a cake for snack. She adored him after eight, chocolates stuffed with mint, so I thought well give her a pie this taste.
premise, I do not like mint at all. Lemon Granita for ever!
This cake is really good, however, the mint flavor is very mild and therefore not a pleasure for lovers of mint!
I have read several recipes and then I made some small changes.
is the result:

medium eggs
-3 -180 -70
grams of flour 00 g potato starch
-150 -150 grams of butter

grams of sugar-one packet of yeast
-12 tablespoons soup of mint syrup
-130 -150 grams of milk
g dark chocolate and a knob of butter for the frosting to cover

. separating yolks and whites
. milk and mix mint syrup
. Mix flour, starch and yeast
. work the softened butter with 100g sugar until it becomes a smooth cream
. add to the mix the egg yolks and a pinch of salt and continue to mix with the whisk
. embed consisting of milk and syrup and then the flour gradually
. work well together so that no lumps are formed
. mount to clear snow stops with a good pinch of salt.
When they are well boiled add 50 grams of sugar that we had left out and incorporate very gently with a spatula (from bottom to top)
. Bake in preheated oven at 170 g for 45 minutes.
Before turning out to do the test with a skewer.
. To riposare la torta su una grata finchè sarà completamente fredda
.per la glassa ho sciolto a bagnomaria il cioccolato con una noce di burro e l'ho colato sulla torta.Lasciamo asciugare il cioccolato e serviamo.

Segnalo anche un link per una crostata con crema alla menta che credo sia divina!

ps Un consiglio! Provate a metterla in frigo e servirla bella fredda! mmmhhhh! E' freschissima! una delizia giusta anche col clima torrido!