Friday, October 22, 2010

Alabama 12 On Helmet, What Does It Mean

terrine of pumpkin

From the book "Easyfinger" a bowl of sprouts with pumpkin. Even the color brings fun, pumpkin seeds after cooking crispy, and creates a nice contrast to the soft bowl. I made two versions, a more subtle that they can couple to use as small chunks, for tasty finger. The other, in small bowl to serve as an appetizer.
But those qualities have this bowl?

terrine of pumpkin

milk 400g pumpkin puree 3 eggs 10cl

50g flour 2 tablespoons olive oil 50g Gruyere

cream 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds 30g

Cook 6-7 ounces of steamed pumpkin (leave until it is very soft), remove the peel and smash it, then weigh 400g of the puree so obtained. Mix the puree with the milk. In another bowl, beat eggs, flour, gruyere cheese and cream. Add the pumpkin puree.
Cover a mold with parchment paper, pour half of the pumpkin seeds on the bottom, pour the mixture and finish with the other half of the seeds. Bake at 200 degrees for 45 minutes and allow to cool completely after baking.
The cooking time for small terrine was 20 ', the slimmer version, 30'

Sigrid Verbert
Ed Gambero Rosso 2009

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Donating Blood For Money South Florida

Cupcakes Muffin!

Hello everyone! How long that
not post anything!
But I have to forgive me in Serbian two really good and easy recipe (the combination that I love most in the kitchen): mufrfin the chocolate chip Lowson Nigella's chocolate coconut muffins and really tasty.
I've prepared for both the birthday of a girl who organized last October 3 and where you can see photos on my blog frufrù .

I leave with a recipe for Nigella.
He began by saying, Have faith!
Yes, we must have faith in Nigella! Why the mere fact that it is a recipe provides a very good result.
When I saw that the muffins baked in the oven was ready for disaster! There remained a reassuring little hole in the middle ... Yet on the final hole has become a tower and I promised myself to never doubt over her! This recipe
'very unusual: no butter and one egg for 12 muffins!
I'd better not!
And I guarantee that the muffins are the fluffiest, not at all cloying.

Ingredients (for 12 muffins):

-250g of flour -2 teaspoons baking powder
-1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
-2 tablespoons best quality cocoa powder (I used to a bitter but mild Pià result I think we can use / dare with sweetened chocolate)
-175g caster sugar 150g
-chocolate chips (save 1 / 4 chip for sprinkling)
-250ml milk plant
-90 -1 large egg -1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

. preheat the oven to 200 ° C
. mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa, vanilla and strain through a sieve prevent clots from forming during the subsequent processing of the dough
. Zucchet and add the 3 / 4 of the chocolate chips
. in a bowl combine the milk, egg and oil
. unite the compound "dry" that "Liquid" with slow, gentle strokes.
Stop stirring when the last traces of flour disappear.
not mix too!
. Pour the batter into 12 paper cups and sprinkle with chocolate chips left by
. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes and check the area with a toothpick

The result is what you see below.
I assure you that are good and really easy ... Nigella is always a guarantee)

Another really easy recipe that I propose is that of chocolate-coconut muffins.


for the dough to chocolate
-2 Whole egg yolk

-1 -100 grams of sugar
-40 g -50 g of cocoa butter

-half cup milk

-75 grams of flour-a-half-teaspoon of vanilla extract
bag yeast (8 g)

for the dough with coconut albumen

-1 -100 g coconut flour

-50 grams of sugar, half a teaspoon of starch
-2 and a half tablespoons of milk

Prepare the dough with chocolate.

. Whisk the eggs and egg yolk with sugar
. Sift flour, chocolate, vanilla and yeast
. Melt the butter and allow to cool
. Unite with the egg mixture with flour, butter and milk gradually.

Preparare l'impasto al cocco
.in una ciotola montare l'albume con un pizzico di sale
.aggiungere lo zucchero, il latte, la farina di cocco e la fecola

Con questo impasto ho ottenuto 12 muffin.
In ogni pirottino ho messo un cucchiaio abbondante di composto al cioccolato, un pò di composto al cocco e poi ho coperto con altro composto al cioccolato (fino ad arrivare a poco più della metà del pirottino).
Ho cotto in forno preriscaldato a 180° per 25 minuti circa e ho controllato la cottura con il solito stuzzicadenti.

Questi muffin sono molto carini perchè una volta dato il primo morso si vede chiaramente lo strato di cocco. Davvero una coccola golosa per gli amanti dell'abbinamento cioccolato-cocco.